A Life of Acts

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November 2020 Fasting and Prayer Message — Friday PM

This is a write up of the message from the November 2020 fasting and prayer weekend led by Pastor Praveen and held at our church. We had four sessions, Friday morning and evening (posted here) and Saturday morning and evening. During our fasting and prayer sessions, it is usual for the Holy Spirit to speak to us through Pastor Praveen. Sometimes, he shares insights into the scripture that the Holy Spirit provides to him through revelation.

Introductory Remarks

Repent before the Lord and the heavenly mercy gates will automatically open for you. If something is broken in your life, there is time. God is asking His church to repent. He will cleanse us, purify us, and sanctify us. Without holiness we cannot please our God. 

Jesus said true worshipers will worship in Spirit and truth – it is a sign of the children of God. Those who are worshipping in the flesh are not the children of God. When we repented before God, He washed away our sin with His precious blood and gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Not only that, He sealed us with the Holy Spirit. God’s seal means, “He is mine.” When God sees someone worshiping in Spirit, he will say, “He is my son” or “She is my daughter.” However, we need cleansing from God before we can worship in Spirit and truth. Only though the blood of Jesus can we reach the most holy place. 

Pastor Praveen’s Message –What Do You Have in Your Hand?

Stones and a Staff

Jesus said that if you have faith you can move a mountain (Matthew 17:20). It doesn’t matter what kind of mountain. God has given you authority to drive out demons, speak in new tongues, pick up snakes and drink poison without harm, and to heal the sick (Mark 16:17-18). 

Don’t think, “I don’t have this or that, so I cannot do anything.” God is asking, “What is in your hand?” Don’t focus on what you don’t have. Don’t wait for a big door. If you have faith, you can go through the narrow door. God can then open it wider for you. Don’t say, “It’s a small door. I don’t want this job. It’s too small.” God is saying, “I can bless you more. I can open the door beyond your imagination.” 

Don’t say, “I don’t have enough, how can I start a new business.” What do you have in your hand? God has given us authority in our lives. When he called you, chose you, and brought you from the darkness to the wonderful light, he gave you something in your hand. You need to use it. 

Consider David when he confronted the Philistine, Goliath (1 Samuel 17). Israel did not know what to do in the face of Goliath’s challenge. Like Israel, we are facing many challenges in this country. People may not know what to do. But, as children of God, we should know what to do because he has given us something in our hand. 

On the battlefield, David and Saul were talking (vs. 32-39). Saul tried to discourage David. “He has been a warrior from his youth. You are just a boy.” But David shared his testimony with Saul, how he had defeated the lion and bear. Then Saul looked at him and realized David was not an ordinary boy. “Go, and the Lord be with you,” he said. 

Then Saul dressed David in his armor, tunic and all, because David was going into battle. But once he was dressed, David could not move. He said, “King, I am not used to all this.” God revealed to Pastor Praveen that David was thinking, “He doesn’t know my anointing. I don’t want to wear this nasty tunic. This nasty tunic will not help me. I have something else.” He took off the tunic and took up his staff. 

We know that David was not acting as a shepherd, but as a warrior. In the spiritual context, the staff stands for authority in prayer. There are other examples of staffs in the bible. Pastor Praveen reminded us of Jacob’s confession to God in Genesis 32:10, “I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan.” Also remember that Aaron’s staff budded and bore fruit within one night (Numbers 17:8), but the 11 staffs of his opposers dried up. Furthermore, remember that Gideon placed an offering upon the rock for the angel of the Lord. When the angel of the Lord touched the offering with his staff, fire came out (Judges 6:20-21). This shows authority. 

After David took up his staff, he chose five smooth stones from the streams. David was filled with the Spirit. With prayer and authority, he left behind worldly things and chose the five smooth stones. The Holy Spirit told Pastor Praveen that David thought, “With this kind of stone I can go against the enemy.” The streams stand for streams of living water. 

Pastor Praveen emphasized the smoothness of the five stones. The stones stand for the children of God. We cannot defeat the enemy or build the church with shapeless stones. The stones must be smooth, cleansed, purified, sanctified, molded, and shaped in streams of living water. They are thus prepared for God’s purpose. The one who sanctifies the stones, His name is Cornerstone – Jesus. We must build with stones from the living water – stones that are in the hands of God. Otherwise, we cannot build anything. 

David had five smooth stones. Pastor Praveen said that we can shape this world with five smooth stones. We can shake the foundation of the enemy through our prayer in the Spirit and truth and with only five smooth stones. Smooth stones are always filled with the Spirit and always in the living water.    

David knew what kind of stones to choose. This is always our failure. We just grab some stones. You know that some stones will cut your finger. Why? Because you are just grabbing stones. If you need victory and want to overcome the enemy’s power, destroy the enemy, and build your life, your family, your city, you cannot grab all kinds of stones. You must get the stones from the streams. 

David went toward Goliath with the stones, his sling, and his staff. Goliath said to him, “Why are you coming at me with sticks.” (1 Samuel 17:43; paraphrase). He said “sticks,” meaning more than one. Yet David only had one staff. This is because Goliath saw more than one, more than two, more than three staffs. That is the way it is if you are an anointed one. The enemy will see more grace and power in your life. The enemy will say, “Oh, I cannot touch him because he’s holding more than one, two, or three staffs. He’s covered with the power of God. He has all kinds of authority in his life.”

Goliath said, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” (1 Samuel 17:43). Without prayer, we cannot choose the right stones or face the enemy. David said to him, “You come against me with sword, spear, and javelin. But I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel. The Lord will deliver you in my hand. I will strike you down and cut off your head.” (1 Samuel 17:45-46). Likewise, if you are a warrior, you can have authority in your life in prayer. When the enemy sees the staff – authority – in your hand, he will see you are a great warrior. 

David took the sling and stone and struck Goliath, who fell face down. David stood over him, took Goliath’s sword, and cut off his head. God is speaking to us, “Why don’t you get your sling and stones and strike the enemy wherever he is attacking you, your family, children, health, finances.” God is speaking, “What is in your hand? Only a sling and stones? Use it! I will give you the power from my hand.”

What is in your hand? Don’t think “I have only a sling. I don’t know what to do.” God is asking you to get your sling and stones. Choose the smooth stones that the Great Potter can build with because they are already shaped. Each day they are cleansed in the streams of living water. These are the children of God – whoever is receiving cleansing each day and is walking, praying, and reading the bible in the Spirit. We must only choose these kinds of stones for God’s building. The Cornerstone is looking for smooth stones. 

So get your sling and stone and take aim at Goliath. A first level of anointing is enough. David had three kinds of anointing. If he could kill the bear and lion with his first anointing, why don’t you do the same? What you have already received and have in your life, this is enough anointing to kill Goliath – whatever power is attacking against you, your family, your city. But you don’t know what is in your hand. You need to use it. 

Take your stone and sling and rise up. The enemy is attacking our church. Get up and pray for this church in unity and strike down the enemy. Don’t talk and discuss too much – just do it. Are you ready for this church? Then get up and cry in one accord. Those who are smooth stones, hold hands together and cry to the Lord. Then God will build our church, our family, our children. We are the stones of the church.  

Moses’ Staff

Pastor Praveen discussed how God dealt with Moses’ uncertainties when He called him for His purpose. God clearly spoke to Moses about deliverance and Moses listened. God said, “You guys are going to plunder from the enemy when I deliver you from that country.” (Exodus 3:21-22; paraphrase). But Moses had some doubt. 

Pastor Praveen said, “Tonight, don’t doubt God’s prophecies or promises. Because He is the promise keeper and great giver.” Pastor Praveen explained that he once was a good-for-nothing, shapeless, dirty, useless stone. But when Jesus took him from the darkness, from the dirty place, He cleansed him and poured out His Spirit in him. Now, for hours each day Pastor Praveen is singing, praying, and worshiping. This is because Jesus has given him something in his hand – prayer. 

Don’t think about what you don’t have in your hand. Think about what is in your hand. Moses said to God, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?” He said, “Moses, what is that in your hand? I am going to send you for a great deliverance ministry. For signs and wonders. You are talking to me too much. What is in your hand?” Moses answered, “A staff.” God said, “That is the problem. You are always holding it. Give it to me. Throw it and I will show you the supernatural power of the staff.” (Exodus 4:1-3; paraphrase). 

What you have in your hand – give it to Jesus. Why are you holding yourself, your knowledge and wisdom? Why are you saying, “I am a superwoman” or “I am a superman” and acting like a good-for-nothing. Don’t act too much. Give it to God. He is watching our fake actions. He will pour His supernatural power upon you, your family, your children. Give your family and your life into the hands of God. Throw it to the Lord like Moses threw the staff! Fall down before the Lord.  

When God delivered Israel from Egypt, he sent ten plagues through Moses’ staff. These days we are experiencing lockdowns. But remember, in Egypt there was a power cut – three days of darkness – a lockdown. Even Pharaoh and his wife could not see one another. At the same time, the Israelites were dancing in Goshen, in the presence of God under the pillar of fire. Why? Because somebody was holding the staff. Because Moses surrendered before the Lord with his staff. What you have in your hand – surrender before the Lord with it. 

Move on – Go Forward

Consider this. When the Israelites complained before the Red Sea, Moses comforted them. He told them, “Stand firm. The Egyptians you see today you will not see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:13-14). God was listening. Then Moses turned to the Red Sea and began to cry. Suddenly, God said, “No, no Moses. It is not the right time to be still. Tell Israel to move!” (Exodus 14:15; paraphrase).

For us also, this is not the right time to be still. Move on, church! For this country, it is not the right time to be still! We need to move in the power of the Lord. There is time to be still and time to move on – go forward. 

Whatever is happening in your personal life, our church, or our country, don’t say to anyone, “Be still.” We are going through very dangerous situations. We need to move on – go forward. Why did Moses tell the Israelites to be still? Because he had never seen a miracle like the parting of the Red Sea, nor had he ever heard of such a miracle. So he didn’t know what to do. But when we move toward our problem, toward the enemy, the Spirit will move. A mighty wind will come and destroy our enemy and protect us. His name is Jesus.

So take up your staff. Stretch out your hand over the sea to divert the water. Stretch out your staff over your family, your children, your problem or crisis, your fear, your sickness. What is in your hand? Use it. Get the sling and stones. Then you can destroy the spirit of Goliath from your city and community. 

Pastor Praveen is receiving updates from many countries, such as Africa and Australia, where he ministers. God is using them mightily. Why? Because they are receiving the power of God and they know how to use it. They depend always on what they receive from the Lord and on nothing else. We don’t want any “valuable” things, like a tunic or helmet. Take the stone and sling and strike the enemy. 

God wants to see us apply the word He is speaking to us. God loves everyone. He wants to use everybody. But the laborers are few. This is harvest time. It is time to reach out, whether in person or through online platforms. If you sow the seed now, it will go, because people don’t know what to do. 

People are panicked about the coronavirus. The poor and rich, the unschooled and educated. God is dealing with everyone equally. Everyone is facing the same problem, and no one is finding any solution. Yet, the hands of God uphold this world. The virus was made by man, but God let them do it. What shall we do? We need to repent and become smooth stones in the hands of God. Then He will mold us and build with us. 

Move on for Our Country

Get your sling and stones and move against Goliath – the one who is trying to destroy this country. This is not the time to be still. We need to move on as Christians because this country is facing the spirit of Goliath. Are you ready to get your sling and stone and move against this destroying spirit of Goliath? We will not let Goliath succeed because our God is the victorious God and He is on the throne right now. 

Remember that Jacob said to God, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” (Genesis 32:26b). In the same way, pray for this country. You can pray, “Lord, we will not let you go unless we see the victory in this country. We want to see victory and we want to see this country as a Christian nation.” 

This is a powerful country. That is the only reason, by the grace of God, that we can return safely when travelling abroad. Because they know we are from America. We have God’s mighty protection. 

This is not the time to watch what will happen through some TV channel. Please, close the fake TV channel. Connect your spirit with heaven. Kneel down. The supernatural heaven is open 24/7. Jesus is standing at the right hand of the Lord. Cry to God, “Lord Jesus. We want to see your glory in this country. We want to glorify your name in this country. We will not let you go, Lord Jesus, until you bless us to deliver this country.” And ask for forgiveness. 

Remember, Mary came out in the darkness to go to the tomb to see Jesus (John 20:1). She didn’t care about the darkness or circumstances. So she found Jesus. Don’t think that you will have favorable circumstances in this world. The world is against the children of God. You must go through the darkness. Then at the end of the tunnel, you will see the light. You need to stand up for this nation. We need to get up and pray and cry to the Lord for this nation. We will see the light at the end of the tunnel, because He is the light of the world. He knows what is happening in the darkness. He will reveal it to the world. 

Pray for Revival

Many people are burning their hearts in prayer, asking God for revival. We know that God will keep all His promises. But before he does something, He will sanctify us. Pastor Praveen said that whenever God wants to raise him to a new level, He speaks to him. He tells Pastor Praveen what he needs to do to fulfill God’s plan. If Pastor Praveen listens, obeys, and surrenders before the voice of God, he will begin to go with God’s plan, idea, and schedule. Pastor Praveen has seen God’s glory many times after such submission, even seeing Him face-to-face. 

Pastor Praveen explained that we fast because we need cleansing. Remember Esther prayed to God during a time of fasting. Then the king stretched out his scepter toward her. In the same way, God is cleansing all over the world. Pastor Praveen has no doubt – a great river is coming back. We will hear about revival in Maryland, California, Texas, etc. Even in China, India, Africa. But now, the cleansing process is going on. If God has promised you something, and there is no doubt He will do it. But each day, we can ask God to cleanse our thoughts, ideas, and plans. Then we will become smooth stones in the hands of the Cornerstone. With these, He will begin to build. 

We can submit 100 percent before the Lord and pray for other people and nations. The wind of God is coming all over the world. Not only in America. We are going to hear many praise reports from different countries. We can pray, “Lord, I want to be a small part of that revival.”