This blog documents the apostolic ministry of Pastor Praveen Kumar, with the specific purpose of showing any who read it that there is a Living God still working miracles through His anointed servants just as there were in the first century Christian church as written in the Acts of the Apostles.

A Bit of Background on Me

My name is Andrew Pendergast. I am a practicing follower of “the Way,” a.k.a. a Christian. While I gave my life to Christ many years ago, I have long been seeking first-hand evidence that God still works as he did when he first established His church. You know, “the blind will see, the deaf will hear” sort of stuff.

If God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and we are still in the same age as the first generation believers, then where were these miracles and works of God through his people? If they were there, why are they seemingly so hard to find. For me, this blog provides continuing answers to both of those questions. I also seek to provide others, who like me may let their healthy skepticism turn into unhealthy doubt, some encouragement and teaching as Pastor Praveen has provided me.

I started out as a linguist and signals intelligence analyst in the U.S. Army. Professionally, I was trained to be a skeptic, to scrutinize details before making a judgement. That scrutiny has served me well, and I have used it throughout several iterations of my career. I work among like-minded people. We keep each other sharp and honest. In general this is a good thing. In my faith, it has caused me to be very careful before believing hokey things. But it has also caused me to doubt some of the true spiritual matters of the modern day church. I sought out a Pentacostal church to try to see more of Gods work. God is and was there, but I confess that I’d leave a service or meeting after hearing someone’s third person account of a miraculous healing in doubt, or question whether or not someone that just gave a prophetic word to the church wasn’t really just a well-meaning person speaking in a lofty voice. It all still felt distant to me. Not something I’d go shout to the world about, because I needed to know more before I stood behind it all. Not only that, I don’t just want to see it, I want to participate in it.

But God is a gracious God. He knew the desire of my heart was to seek truth, undeniable truth.

Pastor Praveen attends my church in Maryland. A few times a year he would address the church for a few minutes at the beginning of a service and talk about these amazing things happening on his mission trips within the U.S. and around the world. It caught my attention immediately. Already, he had prayed for my wife and mom on two different occasions and said things that no one could have known about them. I began to wonder if I could ever go on a trip with him to see more. Even though he had prayed for me and my family, I didn’t know him very well, and so had never felt it appropriate to ask him if I could go. Then, one day during a church cookout, we struck up a conversation. Somewhere in there he said, “I want you to go to India with me” and I said “ok!” This is how God works…

Fast forward about one year, and I am writing this about page on the last day of our first mission trip together.

What can I say? I saw a mute man speak, I saw two women who could barely walk moments before walking and running without pain up and down a church praising a God they only just met, I heard people who were delivered from demonic oppression in front of my eyes give testimony that they were now free. God is a Living God! He loves us, and heals us, and has a Kingdom he is still establishing here on Earth, as is in Heaven.

A Bit About Pastor Praveen

Pastor Praveen Kumar is a man of God of Indian descent and originally of Hindu background. After Jesus appeared to him personally in 1992, he began a healing and deliverance ministry first in India and over the past two decades around the world. He has been referred to as the “Paul to India” as much of his ministry has been to people in India and Indian diaspora globally, and his bold messages, miracles, and works of church planting in many ways mirror the Apostle Paul’s. In addition to the content here, you can also see his ministry’s website at

Why this Blog?

Now that I have seen these things, I want to capture what I have seen and heard here, as well as the other works and teachings of Pastor Praveen. From the initial car ride to the airport, Pastor Praveen indicated he wished he had a way to document his ministry better, especially to English speaking people. I indicated I’d be willing to blog about the trip we were beginning as a first step. This is the first purpose.

Our conversation quickly turned into a bigger vision that you are seeing now. Over the many long hours in the plane, at his home in Trivandrum, and on trains to other cities during the mission trip, he recounted numerous stories of his testimony and his ministry to me. They are enough to fill a book with God’s works, and God-willing someday they will. For now, I am working to document them here so that your faith and knowledge may be increased as mine was. This is the second purpose.

Also, the collection of these stories and teachings can act as a living testimony and instruction for how to walk closer with Jesus and be more intimate with the Holy Spirit. For any that wish to pursue this and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, my hope is this blog can help you receive new anointing and power to do God’s work in the world. This is the third purpose.