Jesus Appears in the Desert

Praveen Kumar Kuttappan was born to a Hindu family in Kerala India near the city of Trivandrum. He was raised Hindu, and his family owned a Hindu temple, they also owned lots of land used for agriculture. He was the second to youngest child, with one younger sister and many older brothers and sisters. His father was a stern military man. Praveen was very close with his youngest sister and his mother. His older brothers were cruel to him; they would mock him, kick him, and tell him he would amount to nothing. 

As a young man in 1984, he traveled to Oman for a time. Though he did not know Christ at all, Jesus appeared to him there in a vision on the cross covered in blood. God was with him, even though he did not yet even recognize Him. He was confused by the vision, but from that day he had a sense of hope he did not fully understand. Even though he was poor and shunned by his own family, he would say “tomorrow is mine.” 

When his father died, the land was split up among the children. Praveen sold his share of the land, exchanged the money for gold, and gave the gold to his little sister. He began a small business, but he lost it and had creditors pursuing him for debt. His brothers would not help him, so his mother sold her jewelry and gave him enough money to go to Saudi Arabia so he could work. He arrived in Saudi Arabia with only two changes of clothes as his possessions. During this time, he saw himself “at grass level” and “being below zero.” Even so, he would say “tomorrow is mine.” 

While in Saudi Arabia for only a few months in 1992, Praveen’s mother died. With this, he lost hope. His mother was his supporter and encourager. Without her he was alone. Now with no living parents, he was an orphaned young man. He had no joy or peace. 

In his room, crushed and defeated, Jesus appeared to him. Praveen was on his bed, but when Jesus appeared, he realized he was now on the floor at Jesus’s feet. Jesus was clothed in bright, shining glory and spoke “Believe in me! I am Jesus.” Jesus claimed Pastor Praveen then and there as His son. He was no orphan, God was his father now. He received anointing with the oil of the Holy Spirit. He was rolling on the floor in the Spirit. God promised to show him how to use the oil of his anointing. Jesus said, “No one will hinder your blessing. Creditors will not follow, but you need to keep and use the oil I have given you.” 

The Lord told him he would send him all over the world for His purpose. That He would go with him and protect him, he need not worry. Pastor Praveen did not know how Jesus would do this, but he believed Him. When Jesus was gone from the room, Pastor Praveen stood up, took off the Hindu religious robe he was wearing and put it in the trash “where it belonged.” 


Obedience and Unity in the Body of Christ


Water from the Ceiling - God Works through our Compassion