July 2020 Fasting and Prayer Notes – Friday AM

This is a write up of the notes from the July 2020 fasting and prayer weekend led by Pastor Praveen and held at our church. We had four sessions, Friday morning (posted here) and evening and Saturday morning and evening. During our fasting and prayer sessions, it is usual for the Holy Spirit to speak to us through Pastor Praveen.

Introductory Comments

The Holy Spirit has been speaking a message of repentance to all nations since December 2019. We must pray for repentance for the church – all denominations, the leadership, everyone. It is the right time to cry to the LORD for the nations, our country, our cities, communities, neighbors, families. We need to ask God each day to sanctify and cleanse our lives by His precious blood, purify our lives, give us the character of Jesus, and fill us with His presence in our lives; this is the key. If we do this, our lives will change and we can bring peace and joy to many people.

God took David from the forest, where he was a shepherd, and anointed him king of Israel. Like David, we must remember our past life and praise God for the change He brought to our lives. 

Pastor Praveen’s Message – The LORD is Close to the Brokenhearted

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).

The theme of Pastor Praveen’s message on Friday morning was based on Psalm 34:18. He asked, “How many of you cry in your prayers?” If you do, you cannot predict how much you will receive from the LORD – He will respond beyond your imagination. Pastor Praveen has experienced this in his own life. This is how our spiritual forefathers prayed and it is the key to having victory in the Christian life. In the bible we can see that God did not let those who cried to the LORD go away with an empty hand. 

God put the story of Hannah, Samuel’s mother, (1 Samuel 1:1-20) on Pastor Praveen’s heart. He noted the following:

  • The LORD closed Hannah’s womb. 

  • There are different kinds of love. Hannah’s husband loved her, but she needed children.

  • A rival wife kept provoking Hannah over her childlessness. 

  • Only the LORD can provide miracles, open a womb, and provide children.

  • Hannah prayed to the LORD, weeping before Him. She kept up her prayer continually.

Pastor Praveen said God was speaking to, and was close to, those that came with a broken heart. Only God – and no one else – knows our heart. Only the Great Potter knows the clay. 

Hannah had a broken heart and was weeping and crying to the LORD. No one else could see her heart or understand her pain. This is how it is for everyone. Even those closest to us cannot see our broken hearts or understand our suffering – because we are only human beings. Only the one who made us and called us knows. Even Eli the priest when he saw Hannah crying could not understand. But Hannah told him she was pouring out her soul to the LORD. Likewise, when we pray we must pour out all our soul to the LORD. He is listening and watching – always with you. You are never alone, wherever you go.

How many of us, like Hannah, pour out our soul to the LORD in prayer when in distress? Or do we instead blame the situation? Or blame somebody. Hannah did not try to blame her husband or herself. The LORD had closed her womb. She knew – only God could help her. Maybe sometimes it is God’s plan to close something in our lives because He needs all the glory and honor. He will not share His glory with anyone.

We are extraordinary people – a royal priesthood. If you have a situation in which you have been praying a long time and you are asking, “Why is nothing happening. Why no answer?” Be assured, you are going to see a great victory in your life. You will see a new beginning. He is growing something in your life. You will see the fruit – something special. This is why you are facing some distress, some sorrow, some discouragement. Don’t think God has forgotten you. 

In the eyes of God, Hannah was precious. God needed something from her for his purpose and plan. If God needs you, He will close some areas in your life. When He opens a new door, you will understand. Then you will thank Him for closing the other door.

Eli told Hannah, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.” (1 Samuel 1:17). “Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast.” (v. 18). Once you cry before the LORD, trust God. Do not weep or cry anymore because our God is compassionate, gracious, and long suffering. If you cry before the LORD, do not cry before people. Your face will never be downcast again. God is speaking to you – “Go in peace – it is granted.” Trust Him – He will not pass by your tears.

Hannah named her son “Samuel”* because she asked the LORD for him and God heard her prayer. Sometimes we can give names this way when we receive an answer from the LORD. For example, Samuel once set up a stone and “named it Ebenezer** his share of the family inheritance to his sister. At the time, he didn’t even know why he did it. But later, he understood that God had told him to do it because God needed him to start empty so all the glory and honor would go to God. 

God had called Pastor Praveen’s name before he was born. As God’s children, our names were written in heaven before the foundation of the earth. Now, God is using Pastor Praveen to reach many people. All glory and honor go to God – no one can credit his success to his background, inheritance, or family.

In the time of his distress, Pastor Praveen did not know why everything was closing against him. He didn’t know what to do. Since then, whenever he faces something coming against him, he knows – God is growing new fruit in his life – something great. 

Whatever you are facing, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent because the living God is in your tent (Psalm 91:10). We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Only don’t blame anything on your situation. The One who called us is in us. Cry to the LORD. God’s word will never change: “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18). Trust in your God.

Click to continue with the Friday PM write-up of the July 2020 fasting and prayer notes.

 *“Samuel” sounds like the Hebrew for “heard by God.” 

**“Ebenezer” means “stone of help.”


July 2020 Fasting and Prayer Notes – Friday PM


June 2020 Fasting and Prayer Notes – Saturday Session