March 2020 Fasting and Prayer Sessions — Summary

This post contains a summary of key points from the March 2020 fasting and prayer weekend held at our church. During our fasting and prayer sessions it is usual for the Holy Spirit to speak to us through Pastor Praveen. I have not added to or commented on what was said. Would you like more detail? I will soon post two related, more comprehensive write-ups of my notes from the Friday and Saturday sessions.

Main Themes

  • Coronavirus and revival

  • The importance of faith and humility

Coronavirus and Revival

Be hopeful! Peace and joy are coming behind the coronavirus outbreak. God gave Pastor Praveen insight into the coronavirus crisis, focusing mainly on the need for repentance and on the spiritual revival that will follow the crisis. This crisis will be turned to good. God will bring the coronavirus outbreak to an end in a miraculous way. But first He will bring people to repentance. Then people will know that the Lord is God. Many will come to salvation. This coronavirus crisis is not a judgement – it is to save the people. He will deliver us. But first, we must repent before the Lord. Any nation that refuses to repent will not be delivered.

Before leading the Israelites out of Egypt, God said He would pass through the land and strike down every first born and judge the Egyptian “gods.” The Lord told the Israelites that the blood of the lamb on their doorposts would be their sign – the angel of death would see the blood and pass over those houses (See Exodus 12:7*, 13; Psalm 91:9-10).

Likewise, we must pray the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God, over the doorposts of our houses and our lives. It will be a sign for us. God spoke through Pastor Praveen, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” The blood will protect you/your family, etc.

We must pray the blood of Jesus over our families daily, and over all parts of our lives/communities/workplaces, etc. There is a process for God’s purification of us, like purifying water for a fish tank. If you stop the pump that cleans the water in the fish tank, the fish will die. Likewise, if you lose the blood of Jesus over your life, you will die – spiritually then physically.

God will fulfill His word. He has spoken to us: “I am the Lord, who heals you” (Exodus 15:26), “I will take away sickness from among you” (Exodus 23:25). His word is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12). It will never change – it will not come back empty (Isaiah 55:11). Believe it. Worship the Lord your God and repent before Him. Love and follow Him with a fearful heart. Trust and obey. He will protect us – He will keep us under His wing (Psalm 91:4).

Faith and Humility

During one of the prayer sessions, Pastor Praveen emphasized the need to approach God in faith and humility. He reminded us how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people put their cloaks on the donkey and Jesus sat on it. They put palm branches on the road to pave His way (see Matthew 21:1-11). The donkey saw all this and maybe thought, “What an important donkey I am. Look, how I am honored – covered with cloaks and walking on palm branches.” But the donkey was just a donkey. The people were not looking at the donkey – they were looking at Jesus. This is what we want when we serve the Lord – for people to see Him, not us.

Jesus was humble (e.g., see Philippians 2:8) and we must be humble before Him. His ear is attentive to the cry of those who approach Him in humility and faith. When they cry out to Him, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” He stops and asks, “What can I do for you?” (see Luke 18:35-42). The Lord says, “Call on Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).

When you speak the name of Jesus, fear will go out and power will come in. There is power in His blood and in His name – the name above all names. He is holding the world in His hands. Speak His name!

*Unless otherwise noted, all Bible quotations come from the NIV.


March 2020 Fasting and Prayer — Friday Sessions


Prophecy: “After 2019”