A Life of Acts

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Prophecy: Coronavirus and the 2025 Crisis

On May 17th 2020 Pastor Praveen had a prophetic dream.

This coronavirus will never leave the earth. It will be with us like any other virus, just added to the list. It will be something they look for in regular blood tests. The current pandemic will continue until 2023 as a serious issue. In 2023, most of the world will be back to normal, but the virus will never go away completely.

For a few years everything will feel somewhat normal again. In 2025, there will be another health crisis, worse than anything we can imagine. There will be a disease spread all over the world through the bite of tiny creatures.  People will wear different kinds of clothing to protect themselves. Pastor Praveen said that if the Nations repent before the Lord, He will take away the disaster before that dreadful day.

For a related prophecy please see the previous post “Prophecy: After 2019.”