A Life of Acts

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Who Is for the Lord?

Summary of February 2020 Fasting and Prayer Sessions

This post contains a summary of key points from the February 2020 fasting and prayer weekend held at our church. The February 2020 weekend was rich in insights and prophecy from the Holy Spirit as spoken through Pastor Praveen.

In this summary, I shared the topics that spoke the loudest to my heart, beginning with the all important question, “Who Is for the Lord?” Also included are the need choose between slavery and the promised land, revelations about 2020 and the coming revival, and words of admonition and encouragement that God chose to share through His prophet.

Who is for the Lord?

When Jacob was dying, he blessed his children by faith. But Levi received a curse instead of a blessing (see Genesis 49). Yet, when Moses returned from meeting with God on Mount Sinai and found the Israelites worshiping a golden calf, it was the Levites who rallied to Moses for the Lord (see Exodus 32:25-29).

We read in verses 25 and 26, “Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies. So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, ‘Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.’”

Pastor Praveen said that the Levites looked at one another and said, “We are cursed by our own father, but we can go to God and be for Him.” They surrendered before the Lord. Their father had cursed them, but the Lord had chosen them (see Numbers 18:1-7).

When God told Moses how to distribute the land (see Numbers 34), no mention was made of the tribe of Levi. Instead God told Aaron the Levite priest, “I am your share and your inheritance,” and the Levites received all the tithes in Israel (see Numbers 18:20-24). Likewise, God is our inheritance. Any curse on us or our families, even from generations ago, God will remove.

Slavery or the Promised Land?

The first time we hear the name of Joshua in the bible is in Exodus 17:9: “Moses said to Joshua, ‘Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.’”

Joshua was a young man, maybe 16 or 17 years old. Why did Moses call on him? There were many older, more experienced men there. But God called the next generation. And remember – only the next generation reached the promised land – the others died in the wilderness (see Numbers 14:20-35). Why? They all saw the miracles, signs, and wonders of God. But in their minds, the parents and elders were always thinking about slavery even though God through Moses brought them out of Egypt with many miraculous signs. They had a slave mentality.

God revealed to Pastor Praveen a key difference in the next generation – they saw and were focused only on the miracles. When God performed a miracle, they would run with excitement to see it. They could see the miracles and deliverance and forget about slavery. For example, among all the spies sent into the promised land (see Numbers 13) only Joshua and Caleb didn’t forget God’s miracles (Numbers 14:6-9). They had seen with their own eyes when God took the wheels off the chariots of the Egyptians (Exodus 14:25). When God performed miracles, the young would see it and clap. They knew God is a miracle working God, so they went close to God and to Moses who was doing God’s miracles. Moses chose Joshua to lead the battle against the Amalekites because he believed in God’s miracles. Egypt was not in Joshua’s mind now.

We must ask ourselves, how close are we willing to go to Jesus? Jesus is a miracle working God. How great is our need to be with God, believe His miracles, and walk closely with the Anointed One – Jesus! He will see the faith of those who draw near and will call those people for His purpose.

2020 and Revival

God had given Pastor Praveen these insights on the year 2020.

  • The year 2020 will be different: There will be great revival all over the world and God is going to use everybody – all those who are praying. He will help us. He is saying, “Get up!” Jesus died for everybody, not just a few people. He will give special favor to everyone (see 1 Corinthians 2:9).

  • God will raise up our youth in missions beyond our imagining. The pillar of fire has come upon us.

  • Also, this will be a year of special touching for our children – beyond imagining. Everything will change in our lives and all over the world in the lives of God’s children.

  • Those who are not praying will not be part of the revival – only those who are praying.

  • God wants to breathe on us. Wherever you set your feet, you will possess the land. Keep the Light in your life; He will help you.

  • We must follow God and listen to Him to receive the fire of revival. Jesus appeared to 500 people after His resurrection (see 1 Corinthians 15:6). But in Acts 1:15 we see that the believers numbered about 120. Where were the other 380? Those who had left did not receive the fire of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (see Acts 1:15 and 2:1-4). We cannot do anything ourselves. We have to depend on God.

  • We must prepare our hearts. We have been fasting and praying many years. This year, God wants to give beyond our understanding.

  • Like the Israelites in the desert, move with the cloud of God. Go and stop when the cloud moves and stops (e.g., see Numbers 9:17). The cloud is moving now for us/the church/community. Pastor Praveen senses a change, an increased presence of the Spirit of God in the community.

Admonition and Encouragement

  • When you feel alone, don’t ask, “Where are you God?” Instead, go back to Him. If He doesn’t seem near, you went too far away from Him. Pray, “Draw me back to you. I want to walk with you.” This is how God trained Pastor Praveen. We must be with the Lord – that is our calling. God is reminding us of this. Otherwise we will not know where to go or what to do. Stay in the light so you can see the pathway.

  • How long can the enemy stand against you? God can change times and seasons in a night. Aaron’s staff not only budded, but also blossomed and produced almonds (see Numbers 17). Aaron’s enemies were covered with shame. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). Don’t sleep. Take your staff and stretch it out over your problems with authority in prayer.

  • Stay on the narrow path. Enter through the narrow door – Jesus. Wide is the way that leads to destruction (see Matthew 7:13-14).

  • Doubt is a liar/enemy. Cast doubt out of your heart.

  • Pastor Praveen instructed that there are two kinds of bondage: that which comes from the enemy, which God will break, and that which we bring on ourselves, which we must break. We cannot always blame the enemy. Isaiah 58 discusses what true fasting entails. This is how God is asking us to fast and pray – to break up the unplowed ground (see Hosea 10:12). Then springs of living water will come out of us (see John 7:38).

    This means we must “loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke,” (Isaiah 58:6) by changing our attitudes, thoughts, and speech. We must control our minds, tongues, and heart or God cannot work. We must delete something from our lives. With negative talk, we bind ourselves. Be careful before you use your tongue because you hinder your anointing and special gifts. Repent and ask the Lord for help and He will help you to break up the unplowed ground and to “loose the chains of injustice.”

Further Reading

It is not possible in this summary to touch on all the topics addressed over the February fasting and prayer weekend. However, the posts of my notes from the Friday and Saturday fasting and prayer sessions contain more details and insights from the Holy Spirit as shared by Pastor Praveen. You can access them here:

February 2020 Fasting and Prayer Notes -- Friday sessions

February 2020 Fasting and Prayer Notes -- Saturday sessions