A Life of Acts

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Prophecy: “After 2019”

For the past several years, each month at our church Pastor Praveen has led a weekend of prayer and fasting. From Friday to Sunday church members fast and gather together over four prayer sessions to worship and pray together.

During one session in May of 2017, God revealed a prophecy to Pastor Praveen about events that would occur after 2019 (i.e. now). While prophesying he said “This is prophecy. Write it down.” One of our church members, Kathy Sorrow, did so. This is what she wrote of his words, unedited.

God is sending heavy rain; spiritual rain. If at least one person is standing for God in your family, your family will receive the spiritual rain.

From 2017 until 2019 there will be the harvest. Things will be good until 2019. We must prepare. After 2019 there will be catastrophes, except in Goshen. Remember there was darkness in Egypt except in Goshen. In Goshen the people were dancing.

Stand for God in your family, then your family will be safe. God wants to protect us. You will be the gatekeepers for your family and city. Watch and pray. God will permanently open heaven for us. There will be disasters, famine, natural catastrophes. Be prepared. Don’t sleep. There will be persecution of the church. They will kill many servants of God. We will lose many people. You have a responsibility. Open your eyes. Receive. God will permanently open heaven and not shut it. Receive, then you can stand against everything.

As evidence that this was written in 2017, here is the screenshot of Kathy’s Word document properties:

What is Goshen?

I don’t want to editorialize this prophecy, but I would like to explain the reference to Goshen. Historically, Goshen was a land located within the borders of Egypt. When the Israelites went to live in Egypt during the time of Joseph, Pharaoh set aside the land of Goshen as a dwelling place for them (Genesis 47:5-6). Centuries later, the Hebrews were still there but now enslaved by the Egyptians. Through Moses, God brought a series of plagues on the Egyptians to convince Pharaoh to let His people go. However, God spared the region of Goshen, and His people who lived there, from many of the plagues (see Exodus 8-11).

In the “After 2019 Prophecy,” the word “Goshen” has a spiritual context. Those who are walking with God with a sincere heart can be said to be living in the land of Goshen. Look for more on what this means in future posts.

What Shall We Do?

So, here we are — it’s after 2019. That leaves us with questions. It’s obvious to all that the world has changed dramatically with the coronavirus pandemic. What happens next? Quick answer to that question — that’s up to God. But what should we do?  How do we respond? How can we be sure we are “living in Goshen?”

Pastor Praveen gave this message for the church during a fasting and prayer service conducted over Zoom on Good Friday, April 10:


After 400 years of prophetic silence, John the Baptist came crying, “Repent!” (Matt 3:1-2).

Jesus came with the same message – “Repent!” (Matt 4:17).

At Pentecost when the people in Jerusalem heard Peter speak of how the Messiah was slain in their city and asked, “What shall we do?” Peter answered the crowd,  “Repent…” (Acts 2: 37-38).

For generation after generation the Lord has been saying, “Repent.” He is still speaking, Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers’(Mark 11:17). His church must repent. All churches and leaders must repent and cry to the Lord, and then ask God to help others to repent before Him. Many servants of God are also speaking the same message. The churches – all denominations – must repent and pray, first. Then God will help others, the unbelievers, to repent. When the church repents, the heavenly mercy gates will open for us and for the nations.

After this disaster, the numbers of churches will be increased all over the world. A great revival is coming back, and many will be saved by God. We must ask God to help us prepare.

During the April fasting and prayer session, Pastor Praveen reiterated – Goshen will be protected – if you pray. But you have to pray to be protected. There will be changes in church leadership all over the world. God will choose the new leaders. God is warning churches all over the world – we must repent. All spiritual leaders must repent. Pastor Praveen said that God showed him in a dream that His wrath would fall on one of the biggest churches in Maryland – that church would be emptied. If we pray, He will protect us. But God’s house must be a house of prayer.


I want to thank Kathy Sorrow for her help providing content and edits on this blog. I’m also excited to announce that you will start to see posts authored by her here moving forward. She has been recording notes during prayer services and sermons for the past three years. She started with this very prophecy, and has been taking notes since. She has agreed to begin posting stories and prophetic insights from Pastor Praveen here on the blog — and we have so many to share!