A Life of Acts

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October 2020 Fasting and Prayer Message — Saturday AM

This is a summary of the message from the October 2020 fasting and prayer weekend led by Pastor Praveen and held at our church. We had four sessions, Friday morning and evening and Saturday morning (posted here) and evening. During our fasting and prayer sessions, it is usual for the Holy Spirit to speak to us through Pastor Praveen. Sometimes, he shares insights into the scripture that the Holy Spirit provides to him through revelation.

Pastor Praveen’s Message – The Disciples Were Straining at the Oars

The Holy Spirit asked Pastor Praveen to speak from Mark 6:45-51. The word says, after ministering to a crowd, Jesus sent His disciples ahead of him in a boat to Bethsaida. Remember that Bethsaida is the place where Jesus prayed twice to heal a blind man (Mark 8:22-25). Nowhere else did Jesus need to pray a second time. Bethsaida was a difficult place. Jesus sent His disciples there for His purpose, although we do not know what it was. After they set off, Jesus went up on a mountain to pray for them. 

For us also, wherever we go in our going out and coming in, we should not think we are following our own plan, using our own knowledge and wisdom. The one who called you is in you. He is protecting and guiding you and bringing you back home safely. Otherwise you would never make it home. He is mighty to protect and is always keeping us under His wings. 

So, Jesus sent his disciples and then went up on a mountain and prayed for them. Jesus is still praying for us. He is standing at the right hand of the Lord and is interceding for us. He is always concerned about His children and His power is always hovering over us – His invisible Spirit. In Old Testament times, Moses heard an audible voice from God and the people saw a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night (Exodus 13:21). Now, the pillar of cloud and fire is inside us because we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we need the pillar of cloud, He provides for us. If we are going through a time of darkness, we need the pillar of fire and He provides that. 

Pastor Praveen said maybe when sending the disciples, Jesus blessed them and gave them some bread and fish to eat, as much as they wanted. Maybe they got in the boat, “OK, Jesus. See you.” Who was in the front of the boat? Maybe Peter – always in the front seat. Then maybe John. Jesus was looking at them. In the middle of the night He saw them straining at the oars because the wind was against them. They started off very well, but when they reached the middle of the lake, they could not go forward. Why not? They knew they needed to go to Bethsaida. But they could not agree in which direction was Bethsaida. They each wanted to go a different way. They had lost all unity. 

They had set out with a clean conscious mind and faith. But they started having different thoughts and opinions. The enemy was able to manipulate them because of their lack of unity.  Many families start their married life with good unity. They have many dreams about their bright future, about their children, their family life, their job. They have a plan. But after a few years, their opinions begin to differ. Then they cannot go forward. When we forget about God’s plan and go with our own ideas, the wind will come against us. The enemy is always looking for room in our hearts because he knows God’s promises in our lives. If you have promises from God, the enemy will always stand behind you. 

But your family life is connected to God. If you are following God, He will choose everything for you. Whatever He chooses for us, His mighty presence will protect. The enemy cannot touch your family’s financial, physical, or mental blessing. The one who connected you as husband and wife – He is mighty to protect your relationship. That is God’s faithfulness. We must have unity in our family life and our church life. 

The disciples had forgotten about their mission. But if we give Jesus a chance to be the captain of our boat, our life, our family, our job, the mighty Captain will know how to take us to the right place. Otherwise the wind will come against us and we will miss our destiny.

Jesus was faithful with His disciples. He is likewise faithful with us. Therefore, we can see happiness, success, and victory in our family life. We are the children of the victorious God. We need to keep and obey His Word. Then beyond our imagination, God will bless us. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Our calling is a great package. “Whoever loves me and keeps my commands, I will bless them to a thousand generations.” (Deuteronomy 7:9). No one will be able to stop you. 

God is faithful. Whenever we run away from Him, again He will come and bring us back. “Who can separate us from the love of Christ?” (Romans 8:35). Whenever we turn back or move away from God, He will come and say, “My son, my daughter, you are mine because I paid for you. I died for you.”

When Jesus saw the disciples straining at the oars, He went out to them. By this time, the wind was controlling them. They could not overcome it. When we forget about our mission, our family, or other blessings God has given us, the wind will come against us. We cannot overcome the wind until we repent and surrender before the Lord. Jesus wants to rescue and protect His children. 

When the disciples lost their vision, Jesus went out to them walking on the lake because he wanted to rescue them from the wind and the waves. So why did he almost pass them by? Because He did not see unity among them. Many families are going through difficult situations. God wants to protect them and bless them. But the families are not giving Him the chance to do that – because they have no unity between the husband and wife and between the parents and the children. God cannot work in our families, in our lives, if we have no unity. He is always with us. That is a promise – His name is Emmanuel. He wants to lift you up. But if you will not give Him a chance to do that, how can God help you? 

Many families are praying and asking, “How many years have we been praying? Why do we not have an answer from God?” You cannot blame it on God. No one can measure the tender love and compassion of Jesus. He likes to help. But many families and many churches don’t give Him a chance. They go with their own ideas, wisdom, and knowledge. You will never be successful this way. You must use His victorious knowledge and wisdom. Then you will have victory. 

He almost passed the disciples who were arguing among themselves. But then, they cried out in fear. They thought they saw a ghost. Now there was unity in their cry – one sound, one voice – because they were afraid. Right away, Jesus said, “Take courage. It is I.” (Matthew 14:27). Likewise, when we pray to God, He listens to our sound, our voice. If He hears humility, at once He will open the doors for us. He is always looking at our hearts. If he sees pride or some other distraction in your life, He cannot work. 

When Jesus climbed into the boat with His disciples, the waves and wind died down. Why? Because of the presence of God. Our captain, Jesus, is faithful. Give Him a chance to be captain of your boat in all areas of your life. The one who created the world by His word knows your destiny. Before you were born, He had already made a blueprint of your life. Why are you worried about your future? He is holding your blueprint in His hands. The only thing is, we must obey God with unity. Then God will do miracles beyond our imagination. 

Before Jesus entered the boat, He gave Peter authority to walk on the water. Likewise, God will give us authority over our problems. If the Word is in your heart, put the authority He has granted to you to work. Speak to the enemy. “Enemy, I have authority over you. My Jesus paid for me on the cross. You cannot do anything against me physically, mentally, financially, spiritually. I’m covered by His glory, by His Spirit of fire. You cannot touch me because there is power in the name of Jesus.” Remember, “The Son is the image of the invisible God. The firstborn over all creation.” (Colossians 1:15). Everything is possible for God. Trust and obey Him and give Him a chance to be the captain of your life. 

“You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. ‘Because he loves me,’ says the Lord, ‘I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him…’” (Psalm 91:13-16). This is the authority of God. We need to use it. 

Concluding Remarks

Almost There 

We are almost there. God is preparing the greatest things for our church. Pastor Praveen has been experiencing this message in the Spirit for the last five days. God is speaking to him that He is going to place stones together. Remember, before Elijah prayed for fire from heaven, he placed 12 stones together to form an altar. The 12 stones symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel. Then he prayed and the heavens sent fire and by fire the offering burned (1 Kings 18:31-38). In the same way, prepare your heart with unity. Prepare your mind with unity. If we are ready to fix the 12 stones together, He will send the Spirit of fire – revival – upon us.

Wherever you have brokenness, give it to God. He will fix it. God cannot build with a defective stone because He is the heavenly perfect Lamb. If you build with a damaged, defective stone, the fire will not fall. If you want to see the Spirit of fire in your life – tongues of fire, give it to God. This means surrender before the Lord. He will fix it. He will repair it. He is the great potter. He made us by His hand in His own image and likeness. He knows which areas in our lives are defective, which areas to fix. His eyes are blazing fire, consuming fire.

The Greatest Wind is Coming 

If God is the Captain of your boat, who can stand against you in your family, your workplace, your church? Who can destroy us? Pastor Praveen is seeing a wind coming from God. We have been hearing about one kind of wind – a challenging wind. But now the greatest wind is coming for us and for this nation. What is the wind that comes out of God? The Holy Spirit. The wind will turn to spiritual fire. Pastor Praveen has no doubt – whoever has been waiting for this mighty wind will experience the Spirit of fire in your life. 

Whatever trials we see happening in this world – the hands of God are working on that. We need to pray for those who are suffering with the sickness. But remember, He is protecting you because His blood is upon you. No one can touch you physically or mentally because there is power in the blood of Jesus.